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0101: BIPOC writers w/ characters with dyscalculia


Sensitivity Read

special rates for BIPOC writers &

writers of marginalized genders

writing on dyscalculia


Dyscalculia is a disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic.

Are you a writer of color writing fiction where the main character has dyscalculia? I don't think I've ever read a fiction novel or YA book where the main character or any of the main characters has dyscalculia. Are you writing this? If I can push this to be published and can be of any help, let's do this!

Contact me for a special discounted rate of 0.008 per word for your manuscripts for sensitivity reads. Yes, that's 0.008. If there is one thing that has affected my life and changed the trajectory of my life, it's been dyscalculia.

If you are a person of a marginalized gender writing on this type of learning disability, contact me for a discounted rate of 0.008 per word.

My usual rate is 0.017 per word.

In your email let me know what you're writing and the discount (dyscalculia) you're inquiring about.