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Diversity Editing Quick Overview

**Sensitivity Reading & Diversity Editing**


I can help you with character development, plot structure, dialogue, pacing, and overall story coherence. I can also provide feedback on your writing style to ensure that your work resonates with your target audience

If you're curious about my journey, visit my About Me page.

What I Offer:

Consultations & Cultural Touch-ups:

  • Whether it's manuscripts, articles, or scripts, I specialize in making sure your work hits the right cultural notes. Especially handy for intricate areas like video games and character profiles.

Tailored Editorial Support:

  • Offering comprehensive editorial support for fiction and nonfiction, from research and language editing to character profiles and synopsis reviews. Key areas of focus? Disability, neurodivergence, and diversity.

Geographical Authenticity Assessment for the South Texas Borderlands

  • I specialize in assessing the authenticity of the South Texas Borderlands. From local language nuances and cultural customs to the rich history and vibrant community, I ensure your portrayal is genuine and resonates with the heart of the region.

Versatility in Editorial Work:

  • In depth work on creative nonfiction, essays, letters, travel diaries, food writing, educational material, newsletters, lesson plans, book & magazine covers, and scripts for games and commercials.

General bookings are currently open. Special rates for marginalized narratives will be available from September onward. Secure your slot in advance!